Sunday, April 7, 2013

Lessons Learned

This week has been very enlightening for me.  It has been an up and down week, but I definitely think it ended on an up. :)

These are the lessons I learned, which will pretty much sum up my week.

Lesson #1 -  Don't forget to take your medicine - especially a steroid you've been on for 5 years.  I realized last Sunday (March 31st) that I only had enough Prednisone for Monday and my bottle had zero refills.  Monday afternoon I called my Doctor's office prescription refill line, but it apparently wasn't early enough.   My dad picked up my medicine on Tuesday, but by then I had forgot I needed it in my pill planner.  Wednesday came and I felt absolutely awful.  I planted myself on the couch and determined I would not be moved for the day.  Finally, I remembered my Prednisone, and started taking it again.  Needless to say, I am feeling much better now.

Lesson #2- Don't commit to walking somewhere until you know the distance.  I had a Physical Therapy consult in the Health Sciences Center with the head therapist.  Instead of trying to explain to me how to get there she suggested I meet her in the Cancer Center lobby.  When there, she asked if I could walk or needed a wheel chair.  I, of course, professed I could walk it and if I needed assistance I could hold onto my mom.  Well... We walked all the way through the Cancer center to the cafeteria, went down a hall, up an elevator, down a couple more halls........ and THEN we made it.  She asked me to show her my balance work I do at home, which went horribly because my legs were tired from walking a freaking mile.
          I don't remember if I mentioned how the appointment went before, but basically she's not specialized in feet therapy so I'm going back this week to meet with a colleague of hers who does know about feet.

Lesson #3 - Repetitive yelling of "Mouse!" does not make the mouse any more cooperative about being caught, nor does it make the cat any less willing to give up the mouse.  Yes, we had a mouse in the house on Saturday.  Mom and Dad chased Tony, who was playing with it by letting it go and catching it again, for a couple hours before the vermin was finally caught and freed outside.  The mouse was only slightly injured, but the house looked like a tornado zone after moving stuff around looking for the darn thing.  Haha... it was GREAT entertainment for the day.

Lesson #4 (the serious one) - Don't skip your usual quiet devotional time by convincing yourself you can do it later.  Yes, in fact, you probably can do it later.  But will you?  I'm going to guess the answer is probably not.  I was hoping for a productive day but didn't feel like opening my Bible first thing in the morning, and guess what. I did NOTHING productive.  What did I do?  I watched TV, watched Tony chase that mouse, played some facebook games (Farm Ville addict right here), played Little Big Planet on my PS3, and topped it off with watching "Dark Shadows"  with my mom.  Yes, I did do my devotions before bed, but it didn't feel the same - and it DEFINITELY made a difference to my whole day.

This week I have two appointments  - the Physical Therapy appointment previously mentioned and a Neurology appointment for my feet as well.  Will update with those after I figure out what's going on.

Have a great week everyone!

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