Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Praise be to God!

A lot has happened since my last post. I apologize for the delay in posting, but I have been very busy. Here is what has been going on:

Cancer update: I had my PET scan last Wednesday, May 22nd. I woke up that morning feeling God's presence and hearing scriptures roll around in my head. Scriptures such as "Lord, if you are willing, you can make me clean." So I called my mom upstairs and we prayed together. I have been reading in my devotional about praying God's promises back to him because he will not go back on something that is already been promised. There for that is what I did. I prayed scriptural promises including " where two or three are gathered in my name..." " by his wounds we are healed" and the one previously mentioned.
The scan results show that the 3  diseased spots I have left are less active and smaller. My doctor is leaving me off of treatments so that I can focus on physical therapy. I will re scan in 3 months unless something crazy happens before then. Praise God! It is completely through His will and His glory that he has healed me to this point and I deserve no credit whatsoever.

Physical therapy: PT has been going great! I can see great improvements in the movement I have with my ankles and stamina in my balance and walking. Might therapist says she can see a great improvement each session, and I feel more confident and going out and socializing with others.

Non-medical life:  well not at therapy or doctors appointments I have picked up a new hobby - inspired by my best friend, Angela. What is it you ask? Crochet. I used to do it to pass my free time in middle school and high school, and decided to pick it back up again. Here are some pictures of what I am currently working on. 

I also just started a lapghan for my dad's birthday, but it is not progressed enough to show a picture of it :-)

I hope everyone had a great Memorial Day weekend. Mine was a blast! we went to Summersville and had a cookout with our neighbors there. Made some great memories and got a bad sunburn lol.

Until next time.

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