Monday, June 10, 2013

Be Still Pt. 1

The other day my Mom told me my Pap-pap use to say, "She's a busy little somebody.  She's always doing something."  Well, I'm here to tell you that that statement could not have described me better - both as a child and as an adult.

Multitasking is sometimes an understatement when it comes to all of the tasks I take on at once.  For example, it is impossible for me to read one book at a time (usually 3 is what I manage).  I also typically work on four crafting projects at a time, join multiple small groups, and partake in multiple devotion books/programs at once.  To clarify, I don't read 3 books for a while and then switch to crafting.  No, all of this multiple multitasking is done simultaneously.

I am challenged by the command from God, "Be still, and know that I am God."  As you can guess, stillness is not in my vocabulary.  Even when going to bed I usually have my Nook open and am reading a book until my sleeping meds kick in.  (Funny side note:  I have to password my purchases on my Nook because I take Ambien and I have previously downloaded books and magazines in my sleep with no recollection in the morning.

So, if you are like me and typically spend your supposed "quiet time" with God on the go or while also partaking in an activity that splits your focus, I want to challenge you to do this with me:

Go to a quiet room and shut the door, pray for God to open your eyes and to bless the time you are giving to Him only.  If you have to go to this place a couple times a day because of time constraints, that's fine.  I am going to do this too.  In a week, I will check back and update on my life and my relationship with God.

Love you all.

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