Saturday, February 16, 2013

Get Out of Your Funk

          Lately I've been in a Funk - as in a 4 week, slowly digressing funk.  This funk has taught me some lessons that I have learned before, and will probably need to be reminded of again.  Let me explain the kind of funk I am talking about:

This is the funk in which you wake in the morning ready to go with a great plan on how you're going to be productive, make God time long enough to spend time basking in His presence, and attend church group, etc.  Then Satan attacks your mind, and maybe even your body.  You didn't complete your daily devotionals (perhaps didn't even attempt them) because you got caught up in some trifle of a thing.  You definitely did not go to your fellowship event, and you might not have even fully accomplished the other items on your agenda.  Finally, you go to bed, vowing to play catch-up tomorrow and do double - not with God's help, of course, because you're too ashamed to face him.

Tomorrow comes and you start out good, but then you do something stupid, and you don't start with prayer (you're still ashamed), so you think it's okay to move to the living room with the TV, game system, computer, etc. and eventually end up putting down your Bible and devotional materials for something "more entertaining."

On Sundays and small group days things happen that make it easy to skip - sure a couple times you might have a legitimate reason (ill, bad weather), but not every time.  Those other times Satan is whispering "You're tired, and it's so early.  Wouldn't it be better to stay home and save your strength for  the week coming up?"  Satan is so good you think it's your idea, so you stay home.

Some days you do better and get your God time in there, and maybe even whisper a quick, unsure prayer, but other days your skip again because somehow Satan has made it through again.

Anyone else know what I mean?

Well, I have something to say about that:

"Out of difficulties grow miracles." - Jean de La Bruyere

I read that today, and stopped to let it sink in.

 Then I prayed "Lord, make me a miracle."

Make me a miracle because if I stay in this funk any longer I won't survive.  It;s about remembering where I was spiritually and mentally when I felt incredibly close to God, and finding that routine again: the place without distractions for your God time, the priorities to manage your time, and the Saturday night/Sunday morning routine so you will have no excuse to miss church.  It's that simple.

Oh - and one more thing: PRAY.  It cannot be overstated.  Had I swallowed my pride and kept in communication with God, it might not have taken me so long to recognize Satan and send him packing.   Don't forget to pray, and don't forget to praise God when He answers your prayers.  In fact, praise Him before He answers your prayers too.

"So just as sin ruled over all people and brought them to death, now God's wonderful grace rules instead, giving us right standing with God and resulting in eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

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  1. This is wonderful Steph. I have had so many days like this. Just yesterday I was so busy I didnt give God an ounce of my time. The house is being reorganized and I even let my kids go without mommy time. Including prayer before eating and there devotions and bible time. Finally after I got them off to sleep and had a couple hours to relax I thought about doing my devotion/prayer time. But I was "ashamed" so instead I put in a movie while I laid in bed. Its so easy to let those bad little voices controll you.Thanks for posting this because I may have had another Im to ashamed days today because of yesterday. Im here if you need me and thinks for being so honest. <3 you:)

    1. Thanks so much Jess! I am overjoyed that my blog could inspire you to force those voices out of your head. My goal in this blog is to inspire, and I am excited that it is fulfilling it's purpose :) love you!


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