Saturday, September 12, 2015

Calling All Prayer Warriors

Philippians 4:6-7 "Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your request to God.  And the parser of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."

Lately, I've had to repeat this scripture to myself over and over and over.  
My faith has been shaken, but I hold fast to what I know and try to stand firm.

Those of you who have followed my health issues know that I make progress, then something happens and I end up taking several steps back.  Well, after my clean CAT scan in March, I made HUGE progress through July, attending my best friend's wedding (where I was able to dance a couple songs!) and attending part of WV Nazarene Family Camp.  God is so good!  

Shortly after that, I received several major blows from Satan - I broke my foot, contracted a staph infection in my surgery eye, found a sinus infection, and started having random fevers that my Oncologist cannot explain.  UGH.....

I was still functioning pretty well, and kept telling myself God is in control.  My disposition was not affected much.

Wednesday,September 9th, we found a swollen lymph node in my neck (that does NOT mean it's cancerous).  However, I am having a PET scan in 3 weeks, and that is slightly freaking me out.  My veins do not like to cooperate much, so I will need a lot of Ativan that day.

So, I am asking all of you... even if you don't pray much.  Theses what we NEED to do.
CLAIM GOD'S PROMISES!  Specifically, God has healed me - Claim it!  Thank God for touching my body and bringing me healing when you pray for me.  

Satan knows that God wins the War, but let's no give him this small battle.

Thank you, Jesus, for taking my sins, and Praise you, Lord, for healing my body of cancer!  Remind me, Lord, to give YOU and only you the Praise every time I open my mouth!  In Jesus' name.  Amen.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing! You have my prayers.


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